Treating arthritis with electro-acupuncture – Marion and my mum’s story

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in the UK, affecting around 8 million people. It predominantly affects women over 40. My 79 year old mother is one of them, as is one of my oldest friends, Marion.

Osteoarthritis initially affects the smooth cartilage lining of the joint, making movement more difficult than usual, leading to pain and stiffness and later the formation of bony spurs. When the cartilage has worn away, the resulting pain from bone on bone seriously affects their quality of life.

Anti inflammatories and corticosteroids are routinely used to help with pain and inflammation.

The most commonly affected joints are those in the:

  • hands
  • spine
  • knees
  • hips


Marion’s story

For more years than I can recall I’ve suffered with an arthritic hip which has slowly made me progressively hobble due to not being able to straighten it properly. This has in turn put pressure on my back giving me lower back pain as I try my best to walk straight! It’s frankly something I’ve tried my hardest to ignore as my doctors advice was simply pain killers and to get it x-rayed and the hospital in turn told me it wasn’t bad enough and I wasn’t in enough pain to be eligible for a hip replacement. Rita listened to all my problems and decided to treat me with tuina massage, cupping and electro-acupuncture which she gave me over two days.
What a difference it has made! The electro pulsing acupuncture has resulted in so much better movement of my hip joint, less pain and for the first time for nearly a year I’ve been able to move freely and to stand with both legs straight and with my weight evenly balanced. And this after just two treatments! It sounds excessive to say it, but I was almost in tears with the joy of it!

Mum’s story

I had an operation on one knee 15 years ago, but now i’m in permanent pain with it. The other knee is almost as bad. I’ve had steroid injections which only last a couple of months and a variety of anti-inflammatories which just upset my stomach. I love to walk but there have been times I couldn’t even get up from my chair and my legs would hurt even in lying in bed.
I don’t like needles but when my daughter said she could help me, I was in so much pain I agreed to try acupuncture. Although I still don’t enjoy the experience, it has made the difference between between existing and living. I can stretch out my legs in bed, walk for an hour and I’m no longer in continuous pain. I have a treatment once a week to keep me mobile and I feel so much better. My daughter says I’m her worst patient because I complain so much about the needles and the electro machine, but really I’m so happy!