Nicotine is highly addictive, both physically and psychologically, and acupuncture helps with the symptoms that make it so hard to stop. In particular reducing cravings and stress. Tiny needles are placed at specific points around the ear that help reduce cravings, support the detox process, keep your stress levels down, your immune system healthy and assist you in ‘letting go’. After the treatment which takes a relaxing half hour, small seeds or magnets are placed on certain points so the treatment is continued throughout the following week.
Hear from two clients who successfully gave up…..
I’ve been trying to quit smoking on and off for a few years. I’ve tried hypnotherapy, cold turkey, patches and vapours but each time the cravings got too much especially after a drink with friends who smoke.
Acupuncture has really made a big difference. I haven’t smoked since the first treatment, and this is because I haven’t had strong cravings. Hence not smoking has never been so easy.
I highly recommend it to anyone trying to give up. I’m now going regularly to Rita as I find its helping with other health issues such as hay fever.”
Jenny Rose, Crouch End
“I’ve have been a smoker since I was 13 and am now in my 50s. I have lost count of the numerous failed attempts to quit.
I was persuaded to give acupuncture a try and contacted Rita. Within 3 treatments I felt absolutely no desire to smoke, I have more energy and people have commented on the changes within me. It’s been the most amazing transformation.”
Norris Cyrus, Finsbury Park